Thursday 7 December 2017

Types of Funding

Public Funding
From national and regional funding bodies - distribution of funding through grants and contracts, monitoring the implementation of the funding.
Arts Council invest money from the goverment and national lottery to support the arts scross England.
National Lottery grants for the arts is an open-application funding programme, which funds arts activities that engage people in England, or that help artists and arts organisations carry out their work. There are currently 12 Lottery funders who independently decide which projects have successfully applied for a grant. Each is independent of Government but has to follow guidelines when deciding who should receive National Lottery funding.

Private Funding
Funding from individuals, benefactors and or businesses. For example, for our production of Made In Dagenham, we could as a local buisness to sponsor us in exchange for advertising their buisness on our programmes.
Just Giving/ Go Fund Me/ Crowd Funding other people can donate and give money to help you.
Advertising some companies might offer to fund your production if you advertise their buisness.

Match Funding
During a match fund campaign, every donation is either guaranteed or given an equal chance of being matched. Whatever amount you raise yourself, a company can match it to fund you.

Local Giving have two diffreent kinds of match fund campaigns; Deterministic match funds: all donations are guaranteed to be matched, subject to the donation meeting the terms of the campaign.

Randomised match funds: a donation may or may not be matched according to predetermined or random criteria. They have also begun exploring different types of incentive such as competitions. 

In Kind Funding
In-kind contributions are non-cash contributions to a project, typically donated goods and services, which are necessary for the project and would otherwise have to be purchased for the project to go ahead. For example, for Made In Dagenham we could ask a local garage to donate old car parts for set instead of sponsoring us.

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In made in Dagenham, it took me while to get into character and have good characterisation. I think this was due to my lack of confidence of...