Wednesday 22 November 2017


In lesson we developed and finished our trio and had created all the moevement. We used movements from our solos, our previous duet movements and from the phrases Kat taught us. During this we used a number of choreographic divices and motif developments to create or trio.
WWW: We createated our ending and used contact. Our movements are quite effective and portray the theme quite well, for example, there's one part where me and Megan shield Charlotte - like we're protecting her from the bombings and blasts. This is also shown just before this when Carlotte pulls us, like she's pulling us out of the way.
EBI: We need to practice more to get the movements smooth, flowing easier and executed correctly. We can also try working on a few of the transitions between certain moevemnts as they dont go well together. Also, I need to work on my performance skills and use my focus, eyeline and facial expression.

Later in the week, we worked on the piece again and linked all of them together. To link all of them, we decided that everyone starts on stage and holds a freeze while the other pieces happen.
WWW; Like we said we'd do, we developed and worked on our ta#ransitions. This is evident near the begging of our piece. Before, after i kicked Megan off me we went straight into a pose. Whereas now, we added in a small phrase to make it flow better together.
EBI; We still need more practice to get the timing write and have the unision parts in unison. I still need to work on my performance skills however, I think it will be easier when we actually perform the piece to do facial expressions and characterisation.

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In made in Dagenham, it took me while to get into character and have good characterisation. I think this was due to my lack of confidence of...