Thursday 23 November 2017

Made in Dagenham

During Fridays rehearsal, Kim put us in charge and let us independently block Everybody Out. To start with it was me, Charlotte, Fran and Jennah and we had a discussion about how it should start and talked about what we wanted to happen throughout the song. We worked really well together to do this blocking and all listened to each others suggestions and took on board what others said. We spent the whole rehearsal blocking this song because we wanted it to be good as it closes act 1. The number isn't very 'dancy' we went for more of a physical theatre piece. During this I put in the idea of at the first chorus, we stand on the chair ready for the chorus and then on the second 'Everybody Out' everyone takes off their ford jacket and throws them on the floor. We used this idea and it was liked by the group as it's good characterisation for the song and matches the tone of the song.

In Tuesdays lesson, we spent the first part of the lesson blocking solos. For my solo, I wrote down all my blocking on my script.

In the second part of the lesson we started brain storming ideas for Viva Eastbourne. We discussed as a group what things you would do at the beach and then got into pairs and created a small motif based on one of these things. Me and Jennah decided to do building sand castles and playing in the sand. We started by running on, waving our bucket and spade and then we build sand castles next to each other, competing and fighting with each other. After we discussed ways we could develop the first section. As a group we decided that the piece will start with everyone running on and then in small groups they'll do one activity you do on the beach. As each group will do something different after you finish the motif you do it somewhere else so the audience sees it. I suggested that in the middle of the stage should be one of the face in the wall picture stands you see on the beach. It should be double sided so people could run into and the audience get a good view from both sides. The group liked this ide but we're not sure on the spacing and where it's going to placed.

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In made in Dagenham, it took me while to get into character and have good characterisation. I think this was due to my lack of confidence of...